What You Should Never Do (and Say) When Selling Online

Gaining ground in the world of online sales is no easy task. Along the way, countless mistakes can be made that may hinder you from achieving your goals. In this article, we mention what those mistakes are and how you can avoid them.

E-commerce has become one of the few 'winners' of the pandemic era. Many sellers already immersed in the world of marketplaces have significantly increased their sales levels through these channels. At the same time, many users were forced to delve into these formats for the first time.

For both, selling online is not an easy task and is becoming increasingly complex due to the rising level of competition. Due to ignorance or simple anxiety, many 'unforced' errors are made that can sabotage a good start and subsequent development through this sales medium.

Here are 5 mistakes you should avoid:

1) Promoting your brand or website

One of the first—and biggest—mistakes users make is using marketplaces as a 'springboard' to boost traffic to their website. Something you need to know from the start is that the seller is the least important entity on a site like Mercado Libre, Amazon, or a similar platform. Using the marketplace as a way to promote your brand will bring you more headaches than benefits.

The platforms not only expect you not to do it, but they also demand it. If you don't comply, you will be penalized. Therefore, you should avoid using logos and URLs in the product title or description. There are other more effective alternatives so that the marketplace's own costs do not take away so much of your profitability. And this is not the way!

2) Inventories without prior study

If you don't want to end up with your garage or warehouse full of unsold products, here's another great lesson: before stocking up, make sure you know how much demand there is for the product. This is important at any stage of the business, but especially if you are taking your first steps.

Before filling your warehouse, analyze how the product you have in mind has performed over the past month in the most important marketplaces. This will save you headaches and allow you to avoid a miscalculation that could compromise the future of your venture. Tools like Pulpou can help you learn more about the concrete demand for a product and how it is supplied by different sellers.

3) Profit margin

Neither very high prices nor very low prices. The third most common mistake is having prices that are not competitive. Both overpricing and underpricing can leave you out of the game. Not pricing with the competition in mind is not a valid option in formats where price is a key indicator that will make your product show more or less to users.

4) Repeated descriptions

Another aspect to avoid is product descriptions provided by manufacturers. This is, without a doubt, one of the most common and most counterproductive mistakes. Why? The manufacturer also sells these products online! Thus, using the same product description constitutes the classic case of plagiarism. Additionally, newly created product descriptions considerably increase the conversion rate.

5) Thinking only about the local market

Borders are no longer a limit for your products. Expand your market! Thinking only about the national market, wherever you live, will limit your chances of generating a broader audience. In this sense, it is crucial to design a cross-border strategy taking advantage of the logistical, management, and positioning advantages offered by these platforms.

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